This week I shared a lovely afternoon officiating a #weddingceremony for a beautiful couple. A marriage is never just a relationship between two people, it is always bigger and something more than that. It is the joining of two families and later, if not already, it may be the creation of their own #family.
One of the most understated relationships in life is that between parents and their sons and daughters. On just a few occasions this relationship is acknowledged formally and a chance to do this is at a wedding ceremony. I always remind my clients, on more than one occasion, that your ceremony is YOUR ceremony, so I encourage everyone to be sure that they have a say in each part of the #ceremony.
Some couples chose to acknowledge their relationship with their parents and the new relationship between each other by having the parents of the couple stand and publicly declare their love and their support of the union. This honour can be shared by more than just the biological parents, but to whomever the couple wish to appoint to represent their families. It can also include the step parents and/or siblings. The family is then asked if they offer their goodwill and support to the couple, and further, that they welcome the partner into their family and offer them their love and affection. Much like the I do’s that are to follow later in the ceremony, the family declare their “we do”.
At the beautiful ceremony recently both sets of parents prepared a #blessing that they shared with the couple. In this instance it was a chance for them to also acknowledge their beliefs and faith. I’m sharing some snippets of their words here as I found them to beautifully reflect all the love and promises and well wishes that a parent can ever want for their offspring.
We pray that God grants you all of life's blessings, love's, joys, and that the two of you will share unending love and happiness. That you will #love each other more than you ever have and with this love, comes respect, honor and trust of each other for the rest of your days. And when life's challenges come your way, that you have faith in each other and remember that the trying times will pass and that all will be well eventually.
To compliment the blessing of the #grooms family the family of the #bride shared; Today is a celebration of thanksgiving and love.. ‘Tis a celebration of love from us as we witnessed you grow into strong and independent adults, ‘Tis a celebration of love you both have nurtured through the years. Today, as you give yourself to each other, always remember that though you’ve chosen to live miles away from us, you’ll always be in the deepest recesses of our hearts. Today, as we witness the union of two loving souls, we treasure how our respective family trees are blossoming. Today marks the happiest and anticipated day in your life just like the way we felt on our wedding day. Today is the commencement of the #husband/#
wife team. May your life be filled with laughter, endless chatters and good fortune. May you endure trials, difficulties and tears patiently. May your union be blessed with children to teach you to be selfless and responsible adults. May your hearts be filled with dreams to face each day with hope and motivation. And may the Lord God shower you with every spiritual , physical and material blessings all the days of your life.
A #wedding according to the laws in Australia is the joining of two people, the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life. According to the legal momentum as prescribed by the marriage act. But it is also the joining of two families, of two histories, of two sets of traditions and cultures and the very best wedding ceremonies that I can been a part of include and recognise all those elements. The very best #marriages aren’t made up of just two people, but of two people who are supported by a community of #love.